Friday, March 10, 2017

March 8th 2017: Port Myaca Lock to LaBelle, FL

Wednesday March 8th we untied from the dolphins just before the lock at Port Myaca and proceeded through the lock and onto Lake Okeechobee. Because of the high lake level this lock simply opened both ends and allowed us to just slowly cruise right through without any change in water level.
Port Myaca Lock - open pass-thru

After passing through the Port Myaca lock we crossed 30-miles of Lake Okeechobee to Clewiston, FL and then continued along the Okeechobee Water Way on the west side of the lake. Along this section we saw a few alligators in the water and one large one sunning himself on the bank before jumping into the water as we passed. There was an "old Florida" rustic beauty along the waterway.

After a 56.0 miles day we eventually arrived at LaBelle, FL at the Riverforest Marina to spend the night. It was located just prior to the Ortona Lock on the Okeechobee Water Way which we plan to transit tomorrow AM.

Red Pearl and Joan at River Forest Marina, LaBelle, FL

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